Friday, June 15, 2012

WSMsL2012 - PrideTrip days 6, 7 & 8

Wednesday night was fun!
I was craving red meat of the side of a cow variety, so Sir consulted a friend we've made here in Boise about a good place for BBQ and such. They recommended Goodwood and so we went out there and it was delicious! I had some of the very best beef ribs I've ever had and I ate way too much and it was delicious.

Sir says it's OK that I indulged because I was able to decide on food quickly and easily, so He feels it is a reward to let me eat my fill when this happens. Since my body likes to play guessing games about what to have for dinner, this was a big deal. Haha!

After dinner, we went to Pitchers&Pints for trivia; which we did OK at but that's not really surprising. Trivia is not my forte anymore, but I am alright in trading that in for more interesting hobbies like knitting.
Which reminds me, I have a shawl to block on this trip...

After trivia, it was back to our hotel and crashing for some well deserved snuggling.

Thursday, we got up and met up with a couple more new friends and went to the Boise Zoo. The Butterfly exhibit was a ton of fun (and I got a lot of awesome photos!) but no butterflies landed on me sadly. After we got to see lots of different animals, feed some goats, snag a couple photos of a very undignified snow leopard and coo over a baby wallaby, we decided to head back into town. A quick stop at the store and we got back to our hotel to find that the Vancouver, WA Model A club is in town for an "A Rally". Model A's. All over Boise.
Sir and I want to find a couple who would be willing to drive in the parade and let us ride in the back. I haven't yet mastered my "Princess Wave" so I need to practice before this happens.

We ended up staying in last night and just watching a couple episodes of 30 Rock and snuggling and wrestling and giggling. Well, I giggled. It was a nice night off and we both slept quite well.

As I've mentioned before, we've taken to sleeping in, all snuggled together which has been lovely but sadly we don't get to do that anymore, as we have to be up early tomorrow for the Parade & festival and then Sunday for the drive home. Be that as it may, we had a late start again today and are currently working on what to do today while I've been writing up this entry. Once we figure that out, we're going to clean up our hotel room a little and head out for the day.

Later there will be a Burlesque show and then Leather Night at the Lucky Dog Tavern and then tomorrow is all day Pride! YAY!

I should put on some pants now.

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