Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A long post about (mostly) California

The last few weeks, we've taking a bit more melllow approach to events; Sir and I have decided to try and hit a few events on the weekends but take the time to balance that with also taking personal time to hang out with friends and do private events as well. To that end, we have been taking the week days to move into our place, unpack, sort and otherwise make our home into just that.

However, we're still hitting events as often as we can. On Saturday the 15th, we joined SEA-PAH ( for a romp and play day and it was so much fun to watch all the puppies playing and wrestling and napping. Oh, the puppies napping are SO CUTE. Ahem, sorry ... I sort of have a running love of puppies.
Sunday was the monthly Seattle Men in Leather brunch at CC Attle's - one of my very favorite monthly events, the SML socials are always sure to be enjoyable and rain or shine, there's so many friendly faces. After that, Sir spent the afternoon on the Hill with a friend while I meandered northwards to join a new crafting group and I was so very happy to finally find a Kinky Crafters group where I could be myself and not worry about somebody being offended over who / what I am. I came home feeling so much more fulfilled than I had expected & Sir gave me such a big hug, telling me how happy He was that I had found a group that I was comfortable being around that could help me express my creative crafty side without the constant worry of being judged for my life choices. I am very lucky to have a Sir who accepts, appreciates and loves me for all of the crazy things I am : crafty, energetic, creative, sometimes stubborn, outspoken and devoted.

Enough gushing, though.

This last weekend, we went to Folsom Festival in San Francisco with a friend of ours who has never been. Seeing as we hadn't either, and it was Sir's birthday weekend, we decided it was the best time we could ever have to go to Folsom. On Friday we went to the Bay Area Queer Leather Happy Hour at Tryptych which was packed full of people we recognized and even more people to meet still. Among the many amazing people we met Friday night, was Ann - North American Pony 2008.
There. Are. Pony. Titles.
Just so you all understand, there was a certain level of hyperventilating fangirl in a corner at Tryptych for a while there; and then our friend went over and started a conversation with her because I was far too shy to approach. We ended up sitting together while she was eating a snack and she let me pick her brain about the community and events as well as how she got started. She invited me to join them at the Pony tent on Sunday and Sir assured me we could, if I was interested in going. This was a trick question, Sir knows I am very curious about ponies and would love to one day be His pony although we have not explored that in more than just talk yet.

Eventually we made our way back to our hotel - which admittedly was in San Mateo but just off the CalTrain line so not really too bad of a trip in and out of the city and had the chance to witness Giants (baseball) fans en masse. It was a little terrifying for a non-sports fan.

Saturday, we headed into the city early to enjoy the afternoon and discovered Super Duper Burger. I like that place a whole lot. Good food, somewhat greasy but sometimes a girl needs a greasy burger to really make the day worth it. We wandered around, I got a new belt and some sunglasses, Sir made lots of new friends when we stopped at Mix. We tried to get into 440 Castro, but it was packed so tight there was no way it would happen. So we chilled at Mix until it was time to head over to Powerhouse for the Blackout party. The Black Saturday-Folsom EVE party was insanely busy and the pre-party demo was latex; it was funny arriving in time to see them cleaning up after spraying some poor new kid with liquid latex. I found out later they didn't warn him in advance so he wasn't powdered or anything first... poor cub wasn't very fuzzy the next day, I think.
While Sir chatted with several of the other Mr titles, I had the chance to meet the cutest couple of boys from the UK who (to my amusement at least) met in Australia of all places. They were very curious about our titles and then wanted to keep in touch in case we ever visit because they'd love to take us out. A littlel later, there was what I can only describe as a gaggle of fae. It was hilarious to watch them freak out over latex, leather and anything else they weren't familiar with. By the time the flogging demo was starting, the place was literally standing room only and by the time they got to protocols, I was starting to feel faint from the heat and crowd - it was stifling! It also was getting late, so after protocol wrapped up and the photo ops were over, we made our way outside and headed home again.

At this point, I have to point out that San Francisco has the best idea ever: Homobile.
It's a basic cab service for short distance trips, owned, operated and sponsored by members of the gay community. I think Seattle should have one of these, even if it's only for special events. All the drivers use their personal vehicle, so the driving is better than most of the drivers down there (way better than the cabs) and they don't mind if a guy's wearing a cod piece and chaps. Which Sir was on Sunday, but not Saturday.

Sunday was very busy, we started the morning in the Castro at Miss Donna Sachet's Titleholder brunch - an apparently long standing tradition. It was amazing to see how many sashes, vests, patches, and medals there were all around us as we nibbled on eggs and biscuits. Sadly, we are tourists and the city is a little confusing but we saw other men in leather and luckily they knew where to go to get to the festival. When we got there, we were told to go to the main stage for protocols - by the time we found out the protocols were at a different location this year, we were already too late to get there. Still, we tried. Sir & I were very disappointed that we weren't able to make it but what can you do?
We headed over to see the Puppy tent and lo! There were SEAPAH puppies - a sure fire way to cheer me up, puppies.
And then there was the parade of Ponies that trotted by, proudly displaying their gear and paces. Oh ponies. See how I swoon for you.

We went to Stompers' Boot Party, over to Mr. S to pick out a new hat for Sir since we lost is Maui cap when we were in Portland for Oregon's Leather Weekend & Title contest. We also stopped by the Venus tent - although by the time I got there, apparently I had missed all the interesting events. But now I know to go earlier next year.

Eventually, we tottered back to the CalTrain and it was an early night in bed and the men watching TV while the girl passed out into blissful sleep.
Unfortunately, our trip home was dramatic and stressful; but we did make it home and are now safely back in Seattle and back to our normal day to day lives.

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