While it is true that I have been far less involved in the advertisement and awareness of the community since the summer, I have remained involved in events.
Through the summer, we saw the OutWest Leather Night meets fail to attract attendance and so, in October, we hosted or 12th and final social. It was after a great amount of consideration, discussion and sometimes argument that we finally copse to cease hosting the event. It was a great run and I personally feel we did or best, but it was the right thing to do at that point. With few attendees and no real interest, it became clear that the event just wasn't the big hit we had hoped for. Still, it was a great chance for local community members to meet up close to home and I really love t the location.
I began cooperating with CC Attle's to fill in any Fetish Night that was leaning a boot black and got to work with GLPW, the Knights of Mantra, SEA-PAH and more to raise funds for some truly great charities.
I am also looking at setting up a monthly mid-week industry night to Boot black for all the staff of local bars. I am also hoping to set up another monthly mid-week or even weekend bort black night for folks who attend other events that conflict/coincide with Fetish Night.
I am also starting work on a boot blacking 101 session as I have been approached to instruct in boot blacking. I can't wait to share the boot black love!
Sir is serving on the SML board and we have joined the Knights of Mantra, so we've been attending board meetings as well as helping with the monthly dinner that the Knights host at the Cuff on the 2nd Sunday of each month. (This month is chicken teriyaki)
... What else? Gosh, I'll get back to you on that!